Thursday, March 12, 2020


I worked with Thomas Macloud 9134  and Lucas Keech 1636

Our brief was to make the titles and scenes of a film trailer. The title of our film is called ‘Extinction.’ Extinction is a dystopian thriller set in 2030 and documents the aftermath of the Corna Virus, after is has already wiped out the majority of the worlds population. Throughout our production there are scenes of desolation portraying the sheer number of people who have already lost their lives to the deadly virus. There are also scenes of and survival which show the struggle and despair of our three characters who are trying get through the deadly epidemic. 

Camera work- I was behind the camera while shooting our production company ident; I shot a series of ink photographs in the schools photography studio. I used the photos to create a short stop motion video using a combination of Photoshop and StopmotionPro I layered our company name behind the ink motion video and made the video so the ink would disappear revealing our production company name. I wanted our ident to represent our production values there for I have tried to make it look modern and innovative. I was also behind the camera while filming the one of the first scenes featuring a close up of Lucas with a worried facial expression, as well as the PoV scene filmed from the car and the scene illuminated by the camp fire. 

Directing- When directing we split the role between us as we felt it was useful to have multiple opinions and ideas on how to best shoot the scene.

Editing- I have contributed to the overall editing of our production. I contributed by making the story board which we used while filming to get a good understand of what was to be shot next. When editing the film trailer I took the responsibility upon myself to do the sound editing, which I feel added great value to our trailer as well as teaser. In our main trailer I created a sound scape featuring audio clips from the news about the current corona virus, I layered there audio files together and accompanied them with sirens and unsettling sound affects, It gave the trailer a sense of panic and informed the audience that our film was about the virus. I also included sound affects when the inter titles appear to add impact and draw ones attention, I added music and other distorted sound affects to accompany the trailers narrative.




After researching films like Captain Marvel, we realised that social media was key to a successful promotional package, as I discovered from my audience question most of our demographic were instagram users. It is a form of viral marketing and free publicity. This is why our group member Tom chose to use this as our primary social platform.

Saturday, March 7, 2020


For one of our shots, we realised when looking back that it was not level. to fix this we had to bring the footage onto keynote and then press the align button on the right-hand side menu, after this, you can manually turn the video so that the horizon is completely level.


Thursday, January 30, 2020


For our trailer, we needed a production company ident for our film production company ALT MEDIA

Our brand needed an ident that reflected our company values and the kinds of films that we enjoy developing: modern/ futuristic and inventive, concerned with technology and exploration of ideas. To convey these concepts, I produced a stunning, vibrant stop animation of ink flowing through water.

I used a combination of Photoshop, StopMotion Studio and iMovie,

We used a bold, powerful font Star Galaxy to display "ALT Media"

To create the moving ink aspect I photographed ink being injected into a tank of water at high speed, on continuous mode, to ensure the entire movement of the ink was captured in one burst of photos.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


All UK films are given an age rating by the BBFC.

The BBFC's focus is on helping children and families choose well by providing them with the guidance they need to help them choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not.
The BBFC’s classification standards reflect people’s current views and expectations and their decisions give due weight to what people find acceptable for each age rating.

When these consultations find significant changes in people’s expectations, they adjust their standards and criteria accordingly.
Their standards are published in the BBFC’s Classification Guidelines.These give details of what’s acceptable in each age category from U to R18, and explain the laws and principles that govern our work.
The BBC has two over-riding principles, which are as follows:
  • To protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise unsuitable content
  • To help children and families choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not
I used a template and edited it to reflect our film, Extinction.

Monday, November 11, 2019


My shot list is a genuine working document that I carried around with me during all stages of my filming and editing. It was folded up in my pocket and became essential planning document. I did not film in the order of the edit, like most film makers, but I ticked off each shoot as I went.